Thursday, November 19, 2015

Pastor V’s Shout Outs by Vermon Pierre

Shout out to:

1. Dr. Patterson and his strong admonition to actually be sharing the Gospel with people and not just talking about it.

He’s right; in all our various conversations about the meaning and extent of the Gospel, let’s never forget that we must always be sure to be about the regular and intentional proclamation of the Gospel.

2. Historian Marcus MacArthur and his blog post, “5 Civil War Lessons for the Church.”

I love good history writing, and right now I’m particularly interested in good writing that reflects upon the Civil War. In this post, MacArthur offers the following helpful lessons for the church to learn from the civil war:

            1. Promote the sanctity of human life
            2. Be cautious about engaging in political preaching
            3. Don’t take religious liberty for granted

            4. Careless appeals to Scripture in cultural/political wars erode trust in the Bible.

            5. Inserting God into the Constitution does not make a nation “Christian.”


3. This crocodile! Those are some serious ups! I guess Crossfit really does work.


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