Monday, December 10, 2012

Study Questions for December 09, 2012

Study Questions for December 09, 2012
Sermon: “Spend Less, Give More.”
by: Vermon Pierre

1. Read Luke 12:13-21. What does this passage teach us about money and possessions? What are some wrong ways to approach money and possessions according to this passage? Why are they wrong? What effect will an idolization of money and possessions have on your life?

2. Read John 4:10-14 and John 6:35. If Jesus really is who we should want above all else, if he is what is most satisfying to our souls, then why do think so many of us still set our hearts on other things besides Jesus? What will it take to transition from a life of pursuing stuff and more stuff to seeking Jesus and more Jesus?

3. Read 1 Timothy 6:17-19. What are some practical things you can do to “do good, be rich in good works, be generous and ready to share?” Think of at least 2-3 things you can do to put this in practice as we end this year and start the new year.

4. Why and how is the gospel message the best motivation towards more generosity in our community?

Saturday, December 8, 2012


The beauty and suffering of foster care!

Check out this new blog by Kirsten Snyder. Simply titled RAW.

"As I drove home, I started crying. I called my friends- ring, ring, ring.... why was noone answering? ring, ring... I stopped trying to call and prayed. Thank you God for her in our life. Thank you for how she has grown me as a mom, and how she has grown us in our faith. Thank you for saving her and finding a family for her. Thank you for the time we had with her. Thank you that you care for us. Thank you....
Colossionas 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."
Thank you Kirsten for sharing your walk! We are praying with you sister.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Study Questions for Dec 02, 2012

Study Questions for December 02, 2012
Sermon: “Worship Fully”
by: Vermon Pierre
Series: The Advent Conspiracy (Col 3:16-17)

1. What does it mean to let “the word of Christ dwell in you richly”? Think of specific areas in your life or in our community and elaborate on the effect the word of Christ should have on those areas. For example, how should it affect what you say? How should it affect what we sing about? How should it affect what your priorities are at work or at school?

2. What can and will you do this week to make sure the word of Christ dwells more richly in you? Think of at least 2-3 things you could do.

3. Notice how often thankfulness or being thankful is mentioned in v.15-17. Why do you think Paul mentions this so much? How does thankfulness show itself in your life? How might you cultivate more thankfulness in your life?