Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Redemptive Eyes by Dennae Pierre

There will come a day when this is true: “No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, 'Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD.” Jeremiah 31:34 

There will be a day when your brother or sister in Christ will not need God’s word, because it will be wholly transcribed on their heart. It will be in every fiber of their body. What will they look like when that happens? What will you look like? Think about how much pleasure will we find fellowshipping with one another when sin no longer corrupts the beauty, goodness, and purity of humanity. God’s image bearers will one day perfectly image. We will delight in one another in unimaginable ways because each one will reflect their creator perfectly.

What does it look like to interact with your brothers and sisters in this way? What does it mean to have these redemptive eyes?  What would it look like to see the most annoying, frustrating, even hurtful person through God’s eyes?

How do we look past the sin that corrupts, and see the goodness that is being distorted? People who do this well are not optimists or dreamers, but a tangible expression of God’s love that He lavishes on His children (1 John 3:1) and as they love others in a way that sees them for who they will one day be, instead of who they currently are

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