Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Pastor V’s Shout Outs by Vermon Pierre

My list of things I want to highlight. So, shout out to:

1. Lecrae and his last album, Anomaly. It did take me about two or three listens to figure it out, but I eventually came to really like it. I understand it now as more of a complete project (as opposed to a bunch of random singles stuck together), which can be appreciated as a complete story from the first track to the last. Some of my favorites tracks include “Give In” (powerful and convicting for me every single time I hear it) and “Nuthin” (all you old school hip hop heads, did you catch the “I’ve Got 5 On It”  by Luniz sample in this track?)

One review of his album worth checking out is here.

2. Jordan Taylor and his “one free single per month” deal. Staying on the music tip, I’d like to highlight the creative work that our brother Jordan has been doing recently. The music is some of the freshest stuff I’ve ever heard from him (or from most musicians out there); but I have to say I especially enjoy the graphic art and writing that goes along with each single. Keep putting out the good stuff, man!

3. Jen Wilkin’s blog post on the necessity of male-female friendships in the church can be found here. I’ve been told that men and women can’t be friends and now, more than ever, I want to say that this is absolutely ridiculous and potentially harmful to cultivating real community. Let’s remember that the Bible has a category for men and women to interact with each other outside of the marriage relationship, and that is the category of family, of being “brothers and sisters” in Christ. Inherent in the brother-sister relationship should be healthy supportive loving friendships, friendships that obviously can (and should!) stand up against the temptations that tear apart male and female relationships in the secular non-gospel-based world.

1 comment:

faithsalutes said...

No. 3 Preach. Glad to call you friend.