Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thoughts from the Sermon, “Rich Because of Jesus” 1 Corinthians 1:4-8

Thoughts from the Sermon, “Rich Because of Jesus” 1 Corinthians 1:4-8
by Vermon Pierre, Lead Pastor

1. Given all the problems within the Corinthian church it is striking that Paul begins this letter by giving thanks for them. Even with all their problems Paul sees evidences of God’s grace amongst these Christians and he wants to begin this letter by pointing them out.

2. Christians are a people who are richly blessed. But it is not because of anything we have done or could do. It’s not of any of the things that are commonly seen as signs of being successful or “rich” in our society. Christians are richly blessed entirely because of how God has graciously invested himself into our lives through Jesus. Thus, the Christian life is one that is ALL God, but especially it is on that is ALL Jesus.

3. What are some examples of God’s grace towards us in Jesus?
a. We have a deeper knowledge of and ability to communicate the truth about life (1 Cor 1:5-6). The result of this is that we have no present lack in any of God’s gifts (1 Cor 1:7, cf 2 Peter 1:3). 
We too often settle for the dollar store quality gifts that our world gives us instead of enjoying the eternal, “never perish, spoil, or fade” gifts of God such as love, joy, peace, patience, holiness, righteousness. 
b. We have all the support we need to stay strong in our faith (1 Cor 1:7-8). The result of this is that we will have no guilt in the future when we stand before God and must give an account of our lives.
So many people are imprisoned by their guilt and shame. In Jesus however we are released from our guilt and shame and ensured that when God renders his verdict about our lives he will say, “Not guilty! You are righteous. You are a holy. You are my child!”
4. Ultimately the real gift of God’s grace to us is Jesus himself. Every blessing and gift of God comes to us in Jesus. Jesus is the reason we have all of God and the riches of his grace in our lives. He is the reason the Christian life is “rich” and will remain rich all the way until eternity. God confirms us in Christ now and will confirm us in Christ in the end.

The word used to describe our union with Jesus is “fellowship” (1 Cor 1:9). The idea here is that Christians together have a common participation with Jesus. We share together in the full breadth and depth of Jesus. We participate together in his righteous life, his atoning death, and his redemptive resurrection. We participate together in his power and his love and his grace. We participate together in his Sonship and in his Spirit. We participate together in all of Jesus.

5. Are your lives so bound up together that you draw from him forgiveness and strength and hope and guidance and joy while he draws from you faith and love and prayer and obedience?” John Piper

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