Sunday, September 11, 2011

Loving Your Friend Through Infertility

Loving Your Friend Through Infertility
by Dennae Pierre

Let's just be real, Roosevelt has a RIDICULOUS amount of babies and baby showers. If you are a couple struggling with infertility Roosevelt should be an extremely hard church to be a part of. I say "should be" because I hope that we can be a church who can love and serve each other through our darkest moments and deepest pains. Infertility is a terrible thing to walk through and it can feel overwhelming and lonely. But we are called to be a community that carries each other's burdens, especially when they are suffering deeply.

We are also  a church that believes in adoption and while adoption is an AMAZING way to grow your family (in my unbiased opinion) it still doesn't cure the pain and heartache that comes with infertility. It would be terrible if couples struggling with infertility were fearful to speak about their suffering because they were worried they'd be expected to "cure" it through adoption. Adoption should be seriously and prayerfully considered by all families in our church, not just ones who struggle to get keep that in mind if you are going to encourage someone else to do it. :)

I write all of that simply to encourage you to read the series of posts written by a gospel-centered woman struggling with infertility: Loving Your Friend Through Infertility It will help us grow in our understanding of how to lovingly encourage our brothers and sisters to look to Jesus when their world is being turn upside down. If you don't know someone who is currently struggling with this issue, I'm sure it will happen at some point.

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