Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Repent poem by Tanisha

a poem by RCC member Tanisha

Speaking words like hip hop, flowing like a freestyle
cause when it comes to God, I can talk a while
my aim is to fall back, let Him shine through
I’m tryna glorify the way, the light and the truth

And that light came to the darkness
and he calls us to repentance
death is sin's sentence
but his death brought acquittance
now don't try to front since
He's got no tolerance for fake allegiance
or the appearance of obedience
While in your heart lust and arrogance are the main ingredients

we should be humble, we need to get low
but if you really want to boast, here's somethings you should know

my God measures the ocean in the palm of his hand
The water, the animals and the sand
Can you do that?

He tells the bear when and where to hibernate
he wakes her- never too early, never too late
Do you dare do that?

He commands the rain when to begin
It doesn’t fall until he sends
You ever done that?

He watches over the affairs of all men and nations, people and places
Throughout all time knowing the beginning and end
Can you…never mind

See He has all things in the palm of his hand
And we cannot begin to even comprehend
When life is going good, we think
We’re holdin it down,
but it isn't by our might, we need our face to the the ground
Realize that, next to the Lord, we are of small account
he's the one who saved when we were down and out
He is the alpha and omega, beginning and the end,
Lion and lamb, firstborn of the dead
The one who is and was and is to come

How disconnected I become
when I fail to come
and bow down

lazily lukewarm
calmly complacent
wickedly and willfully weak in worship
no longer in awe of you
like I'm turning my palm to you
I would never say that I don't need your daily forgiveness and grace
but maybe in effect I'm effectively wrecking my soul
allowing my heart to grow cold
living a lie
pursuing my pride like a lion
can the unclean clean himself
can a blind man look into his own eyes?
If I don't put my faith in the son
then I'm basically done
Damning myself in sin
Cause if repentance is turning my back on sin
to pursue the Christ
then clearly there are times when I'm not doing it right
Cause I seem to keep repeating the same old sins
How can my soul claim the victory when its my flesh that wins
And I'm not talking about the kind of sins that I'm struggling against
I'm talking about the ones that I'm doing while hiding behind a fence
of self righteousness
got myself convinced
that since I've got forgiveness
I'm cool
but I'm a fool
cause His grace is not a tool
that we can use like a "get out of jail free" card
Gently rocking ourselves to sleep
with the false assurance that we can keep
sleepin' on His commands
and still take possession of the land
We're guilty AND deceived
We need His forgiveness see
cause we're
no better than pharisees
brood of vipers!
You? Me?
True repentance should be like a seed in the heart
with deep roots
bearing fruit
worthy of repentance
forsaking what is evil
clinging to what is good
true repentance will have you on your knees
with godly grief
Causing you to decrease
And seek peace in the one who already conquered sin on your behalf
You gotta put your faith in his righteousness cause your efforts don't even go up half-mast
your life is going fast
so much time has already passed
This could be your last chance
like high schools last dance
Cause your life is but a mist sort of like a vapor
here today gone tomorrow
The falls greatest caper

I'm tryna point you to the savior
Cause this ship is going down
And if your not trusting in Christ then your all about to drown
And as i look out into the dark waters to see what you're clinging to
I'm shocked to discover that you're holding on to you.
And if you keep that up then you're as good as through
There's nothing else that i can do
You cant save yourself
There's no point in even trying
That's worse than applying more mascara while you're steady crying
or making future plans in the midst of dying

so i hope yo hear my words
better yet go read His
cause the Bible's like a love letter from a father to his kids
let it pierce your heart
and tear your pride apart
and while it causes you to humbly grieve
ask for the grace to truly believe

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