Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Together for Adoption Conference BEGINS TOMORROW!

Together for Adoption Conference BEGINS TOMORROW!
by Dennae Pierre

I am so excited for the T4A conference this week. I feel really honored to be able to be a part of this great ministry and I look forward to meeting families from all over the country who are passionate about orphan care and passionate about the gospel.

I will be one of the conferences "live bloggers" throughout the conference. So if you are unable to attend, I will be writing up a summary of the different sessions along with many of my own that I am sure will be inspired by our time in worship, prayer, and the word.

I am really looking forward to hearing from Donna Thoennes,Tim Chester, Darrin Patrick, Dan Cruver, Tullian Tchividjian, Bryan Loritts, and Jeff Vanderstalt.

If you are in Phoenix and have Friday/Saturday open still...register (special rate for Arizona residents)! It's not to late and it will be such an encouraging time to ALL believers, not just those who've adopted ( guilt trip will be laid on you if you haven't adopted children...this conference is first and foremost about our adoption by God!)

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