Thursday, November 6, 2008

"Jesus Christ Superstar" Colossians 1:15-20

In this possibly early Christian hymn we are told unequivocally that Jesus is supreme over all things. First of all, Jesus is the superstar of creation (Col 1:15-17). He is the 100% visible expression of the invisible God and the one by and through whom all things were created. Creation only continues to be viable because Jesus sustains it. All things began with Jesus and all things are ultimately meant to glorify Jesus.

Secondly, Jesus is the superstar of the new creation (Col 1:18-20). Creation has become horribly flawed because of man's sin. But through Christ God has effected a new creation. Christ died on the cross and then rose from the dead, which opened the door to a new era whereby creation could be freed from sin and its consequences. The church is the first expression of this new creation. She is a community of people who once were apart from God but now have been reconciled back to him. And eventually, all things will be reconciled back to God. All things will be at peace with God. And all of this will happen because of "the blood of the cross" (Col 1:20).

Jesus is coming back one day, riding on a warhorse with an iron rod in his hand and a tattoo on his leg that says "King of Kings and Lord of Lords," and he will once and for all bring all things under submission to its rightful Lord and God.

What are some things that strike you as you read this passage? If Christ is truly supreme over all things, how will this impact what our church does, how we carry out our jobs, how our city should look like, how our time and money should be spent?

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