Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sermon Study Guide for Sept 30th

Study Questions for September 30, 2012 
Sermon: “Why You Want A Church That If Necessary Will Kick You Out?” (Vimeo link to the sermon)
by: Vermon Pierre
Series: The Tabloid Church (1 Corinthians 5:1-5)

1. “It’s not right to judge people.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not?

2. What major sin had happened in the Corinthian church and what was the Corinthian response to it? Why is Paul upset with them about how they have responded? What does he want them to do? What does he hope will ultimately happen in this man’s life as a result?

3. How does Matthew 18:15-20 help expand our understanding of how we should engage in church discipline?

4. You discover someone in your community group is involved in blatant ongoing sin of a sexual nature. What’s the wrong way to respond to this? What’s the right way to respond to this? Think through the various steps you would want to take and the attitude you want to have throughout the various steps you would take.

5. How does church membership help a church do church discipline in the right way? Are you a member of your local church? If yes, why are you member? If no, why are you not a member?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Together for Adoption: ATL & RCC!

TGFA 2012

2012 national conference includes 60 plus breakout session topics taught by respected leaders from orphan prevention, adoption, global orphan and foster care organizations and ministries. THIS INCLUDES VERMON AND DENNAE PIERRE! Keep them in prayer over the next 2 days of the conference and plan on attending one soon! Check out the sessions the Pierres are teaching ...

Together for Adoption 2012 Atlanta (Trailer 1) from Together for Adoption on Vimeo.

How to Be a Terrible Foster Parent (Dennae Pierre, Educational Coordinator, Together for Adoption) – Christians can make foster care a terrible experience for the children in care, the systems involved, and their own families. Dennae will highlight potential pitfalls that many foster parents find themselves in. It is easy to approach foster-care selfishly instead of using it as a tool to wonderfully speak and display the gospel to all who are involved. We can start with good intentions, but quickly become self-focused. Only a proper perspective of the gospel will help us be foster parents that selflessly spread the good news of Christ and joyfully endure the trials that come with the fostering journey.

Adopting Transracially and the Theology of Adoption (Vermon Pierre, Lead Pastor, Roosevelt Community Church) – There are two ways we tend approach trans-racial adoption. We can over-emphasize race and live in turmoil, afraid we aren’t doing enough to honor our child’s ethnic heritage or we can de-emphasize race and act as though it were completely unimportant now that they are in our family. The gospel shows us something different. Join Vermon as he shares his own experience growing up in various cultures and the importance of our families’ identity being rooted in Christ as both existing family and new adopted child, adapt, in order to make one new family.

Teaching Your Children to Suffer Well (Dennae Pierre, Together for Adoption) – In the therapeutic world we live in, we easily toss around words like grieving, suffering, and loss as though they are cancer to be dispelled from our bodies. This workshop will look at the importance of raising our children to live without fear of suffering. We will take a look at a biblical perspective of suffering and talk about practical ways to teach our children to live out their stories within the context of all that is happening throughout human redemptive history. Whether you are trying to encourage your child to have a heart for those who are in the midst of suffering or you have a child who has suffered much from their earlier losses in life, this workshop will encourage you to use the gospel at their level to help them process the pain around them.

A Diverse Church as the Stage of Adoption: How the Theology of Adoption Develops a Multi-Ethnic Church (Vermon Pierre, Roosevelt Community Church, Phoenix) Together for Adoption 2012 Atlanta (Trailer 2) from Together for Adoption on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

“We Believe in Life Everlasting” VIDEO

Study Questions for September 2, 2012
Sermon: “We Believe in Life Everlasting”
by: Bob Korljan

"We Believe in Life Everlasting" - Pastor Bob Korljan - Sept. 2, 2012 from Roosevelt Church on Vimeo.

Series: What We Believe - Preaching through the Apostle's Creed

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Study Questions for September 2, 2012

Study Questions for September 2, 2012
Sermon: “We Believe in Life Everlasting”
by: Bob Korljan
Series: What We Believe - Preaching through the Apostle's Creed
1. Do you personally expect and look forward to everlasting life with Jesus and his people? Why or why not? What do you think your answer indicates? Be honest and talk it out …
2. Ask volunteers to take turns reading through Revelation 21 (the whole chapter) out loud. What are 2-3 ‘big ideas’ we should draw out of this passage? Why are these ideas important?
Also, how does this passage square with stereotypical notions of ‘heaven’? What are the differences and why do they matter?

Last Sunday was the last sermon in the Apostles’ Creed series. Take some time to reflect on what you have learned and how you think the Holy Spirit has used this series to either challenge or change you. Go around the room and have everyone share their thoughts on this. Please be detailed and not vague!

Read the following excerpt from J.I. Packer’s book, Growing in Christ:

“Being with Jesus is the essence of heaven; it is what the life everlasting is all about. ‘I have formerly lived by hearsay and faith,’ said Bunyan’s Mr. Stand-fast, ‘but now I go where I shall live by sight, and shall be with him, in whose company I delight myself.’ What shall we do in heaven? Not lounge around!—but worship, work, think, and communicate, enjoying activity, beauty, people, and God. First and foremost, however, we shall see and love Jesus, our Savior, Master, and Friend.”

Please think about and discuss the following points from this quote:
-What will we ‘do’ in the eternal state? What are the temporal and eternal implications of this?
-What does it mean –for this life and the next- that Jesus is the main attraction?

The Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God the Father Almighty; Maker of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven; and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.