Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thoughts from the Sermon, “Love through Obedience” John 14:15-31

Thoughts from the Sermon, “Love through Obedience” John 14:15-31
by Vermon Pierre, Lead Pastor

1. God is not pursuing a casual friendship with us. He’s not looking to date us and then try things about by living together. God is pursuing a committed relationship with us.

2. A committed relationship with God brings with it certain obligations. Central to these obligations is obedience to Jesus (John 14:14, 21, 23). Jesus makes it clear – we can’t truly love him, and thus can’t truly love God, apart from keeping his commandments. As Leslie Newbigin put it, “Obedience is the test of love, love is the content of obedience.”

3. Jesus promises that we will receive two tremendous gifts as part of our committed relationship with God.
    a. The gift of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-20, 26) 
    The Holy Spirit is the person of God resides within us. He ensures that God is always with
    us, ready to encourage us, strengthen us, and guide us in all situations. He is “the Spirit
    of truth” who reveals God’s truthto us and helps us remain faithful to God’s truth.

   b. The gift of peace (John 14:27) 
   Jesus will give us a peace that gives us a sense of composure and confidence even in
   the midst of trouble and conflict. His peace helps us to maintain unity with other believers.
4. And so, our committed relationship begins ultimately with God, since he must move towards us through Jesus Christ in order that we might be in relationship with him. Our relationship will develop and grow by the grace of God as he gifts us with his Spirit and peace and as we obey him in love.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

So Why Can't Johnny Preach? [Backpack Radio audio]

So Why Can't Johnny Preach? [03/20/2011]

What’s happening in the culture that’s degrading the quality of preaching? What’s the impact of media on people in general, and in particular the Christian preacher? Describe the typical preacher today – what’s his typical background, typical hobbies, typical approach to pastoring and preaching? Why have we (the church) accepted such poor preaching?

Guest(s): Professor of Religion and Greek at Grove City College, T. David Gordon.
Reference(s): Why Johnny Can't Preach by T. David Gordon.

Run Time: 42:56


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Privilege (and Responsibility) to Spill Your Guts Out to God

An excerpt from a recent blog post at Dennae's blog, Thankful 4 Adoption
I [often] treat going to the Lord with my fears, worries, and anxieties as optional. But it is not optional; I have a responsibility to turn to him. It is both a privilege of adoption and an act of obedience. When I look to God with my fears, I trust that God knows my every need before I even ask. When I cast my anxieties on God, I am exercising an unshakable faith that God cares for me. When I dwell on my problems, worry about the future, and think about all the possible negative scenarios that can come from some bad news I just heard, I deny the responsibility I have as God's daughter and make myself the "god" of my problems. Instead of placing my hope in my loving, sovereign Father, I place my hope in my own abilities. In doing this, I am not demonstrating that God is my loving Father who adopted me through the blood of Jesus.
Understanding this truth empowered me to look to God when I began to feel anxious. Several times this past week, I noticed thoughts and emotions that showed there was anxiousness or fear in my heart. Instead of letting those thoughts fester, I was able to direct my thoughts to the fact that I have a Father that lovingly demands I turn to him for protection and guidance. Just like I do not expect my children to carry their own burdens, how much more does God expect me to give him mine!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"The Things of God Could Get in the Way of God" [video]

"The Things of God Could Get in the Way of God" [video]

Clip from this Backpack Radio program featuring some of pastoral staff of Roosevelt Community Church.

Good insight for all those who engage in evangelism and other ministry.